Botanical name Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii
Common name Douglas-Fir
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsA giant old growth monster with massive limbs. Wasn't able to do a girth measurement due to fallen branches. I measured it once long ago at around 11' 6'' diameter in the early 2000s. I estimate it to be a 12' plus diameter tree.

Measured on 04/12/2018

MeasurersStefan Radivoyevitch
Botanical name Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii
Common name Douglas-Fir
Height measurement methodClinometer/laser rangefinder/sine
Girth(no data)
Crown spread(no data)
ENTSPTS2(not enough data)
ENTSPTS(not enough data)
TDI3(not enough data)
TDI2(not enough data)
Champion points (not enough data)
Diameter(no data)
Conical volume(no data)
General commentsA giant old growth monster with massive limbs. Wasn't able to do a girth measurement due to fallen branches. I measured it once long ago at around 11' 6'' diameter in the early 2000s. I estimate it to be a 12' plus diameter tree.
MeasurersStefan Radivoyevitch


Coordinates46 06.703, -122 01.097
Site Cedar Flats Research Natural Area
Ownership typePublic
State Washington (US)


(no photos)